Confessions of a Dogger

doggin-confessionName: Katy

Age: 25

Location:  South Wales

What is your confession?  I LOVE Dogging.  It’s a secret passion of mine.  I just can’t get enough of it.  A few of my friends know what I get up to and they don’t approve, but I can’t stop!  And I don’t want to.

When/how did you first get into Dogging?    Hmmmm I was probably about 19/20.  My ex boyfriend was already really into it and he introduced me.   I was really nervous at first, but after my first go there was just no stopping me.  We used to travel all over the country, visiting different, notorious sites.  Oh I saw some sights I can tell you!

What would you say people’s biggest misconception about Dogging is? 
That it’s seedy and full of weirdos.  People are too quick to judge.  Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it I say!  It’s an incredibly freeing, empowering experience and I’d recommend it to anyone.

If you could give one piece of advice to potential Doggers, what would it be? 
Research.  You might be surprised to know there are certain rules/etiquette involved.  Do your best to learn what you can before you go.  Or even better go with someone who knows the scene already.  But most importantly, have fun with it!

What was your most memorable Dogging experience?  Oh well that would have to have been just a few weeks back.  Funnily enough it was with my ex.  He called me to say he’d met a new girl.  He wanted to get her used to the scene and she was also curious about some girl on girl action.   Who better than his  slutty, bi sexual ex to help her fantasies along!?  The three of us drew quite a crowd, I loved every second.  You can read more of my saucy story here

FANNY’S VERDICT:  You go girl!  If it’s something you love that brings you pleasure and isn’t harming anyone else then I’m all for it.  Who knows, I might even bump into you myself one night 😉 x

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