A Few Sex Facts That Might Help You Get Laid

sex factsIf you have a cock, chances are you’ve spent quite a bit of time trying to get someone to share their pussy with you. Once, a guy who wanted to fuck me convinced his mate who owned a pub to name a drink after me. Spoiler alert: it worked. You’ve probably employed quite a few creative tactics of your own in pursuit of pussy. But have you ever considered simply presenting some facts in a sound, logical argument much like a barrister would, explaining how such an endeavour would be beneficial to the lucky lady? If you ever decide to plead your case, here are few sex facts that might help you win.

Sex Boosts Estrogen Levels in Women. An increase in estrogen means better hair, nails and skin. Simply explain to the proprietor of your potential pussy that you would be a great addition to their beauty regimen.

Sex Strengthens the Immune System. A lot of things are released during sex. Besides what you can find on the bed sheets, millions of antibodies are released as well. These antibodies make you healthier and help you fight off things like the common cold.

“Facials” are Really Facials. I bet the first person who came up with the term ‘facial’ for a cum-covered face, thought they were being very clever. But I bet they didn’t know how right they were. It turns out that cum is great for the skin and has anti-aging properties.

Orgasms Make Women Walk Better in Heels. Vaginal orgasms actually change the way a woman walks, making her hips looser and her strut longer and more fluid. Cock is practically an accessory and as any girl will tell you, you can never have too many accessories.

Hopefully, one day these sex facts will come in handy. Until then, why not check out these sexy chicks who never need convincing – always wet, willing and waiting: Text Sex Contacts … Text4Sex NOW!

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