Television X, the home of British adult entertainment, caused controversy and outrage last year with the filming of Rebecca More Sex Tour of England. After a lot of sex and some close shaves with the law, Rebecca is here to dish the dirt about the towns that rose to the challenge, and those that went limp at the prospect!
MILF of the Year Rebecca travelled the length and breadth of the country, shagging over 30 men in just five days; 23 had the strength to perform, but 11 were total flops. London performed the best with 90% of the guys leaving Rebecca satisfied, whilst Manchester fell short with 80% of the participants unable to even muster a semi.
Even still, the Manchester lads were in good spirits
“Probably one of the best days of my life! It’s not every day you get to bang a famous porn star. I even missed the Man City game for this!”
– Beamed Dan from Manchester.
Rebecca however, was less impressed: “Manchester was awful, pretty sure they’re all gay here!”
How will long-time rivals Liverpool compare on the next sex tour?
When Camden Council heard that Rebecca’s bus was coming to town they were ready and waiting with an injunction in hand, but crafty Rebecca fooled them all and pulled up on other side of London with her horny guys in tow. She was still spotted by some local curtain twitchers and the police came knocking, but after they could see no wrong doing they left the charming Miss More to enjoy what turned out to be her favourite city.
Plans are already well underway for the next series – Rebecca More Sex Tour 2 – coming to a town near you!
Watch the SFW trailer:
Rebecca More Sex Tour premieres at 10pm on Saturday 25th April on Television X – Sky 903, Virgin 970, Freeview 171 and online at