Porn sites MUST bar children or face ban

porn banPorn sites and internet companies which refuse to introduce robust age verification checks face criminal sanctions under plans drawn up by David Cameron.

The Prime Minister will issue an ultimatum to the internet industry, telling them he will force them to introduce age checks on pornography by law unless they come up with credible self-regulation.

They face a new criminal offence of publishing pornography without a watertight system to check that viewers are over the age of 18. A consultation will be launched shortly, covering “websites operated from the UK and overseas”, Downing Street said.

The law could be enforced by a new regulator for internet pornography that would have the power to shut sites.
Mr Cameron said he “is working hard to make the internet a safer place for children.”

“The next step in this campaign is to curb access to harmful pornographic content which is currently far too widely available.

“I want to see age restrictions put into place or these websites will face being shut down.”

Downing Street is examining whether the credit card payment system could be used to enforce the age ban.

Read the full article here.

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