Online Porn To Explode In Next 5 Years: Study

iraqpornsliderAs if there wasn’t enough porn online already.

A new analysis from the U.K.’s Juniper Research predicts online porn viewing will grow by some 42 per cent in the next five years.

The total number of porn video views will grow to 193 billion a year by 2020, from around 136 billion this year, the report said.

That is a lot of porn, and much of the growth in the coming years will be thanks to mobile devices, which are making it easier than ever to access dirty movies.

Juniper estimates each smartphone user will view an average of 348 porn videos this year — and that average includes those who don’t view porn on mobile devices at all.

“3G, 4G and Wi-Fi have changed the nature of video-based services, as they make the streaming of high quality video quicker and more readily available to users ‘on the go’,” the report says.

Juniper sees the most growth taking place in video chat and webcam content. And while developing countries will account for a lot of that increase in porn views, the study predicts the U.S. will see the largest increase in porn viewing.

Read the full article here.

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