There will be no soft porn video submitted by Miley Cyrus at NYC’s first ever Porn Festival.
The media was yesterday flooded with stories that Miley had submitted her three-minute fetish-themed short film, “Tongue Tied,”.
The New York Post reported that the Festival’s organizer, Simon Leahy said Cyrus personally submitted the video but it was untrue. He also misled the production company — Cadence Films — into thinking the film would be screened for his Secret Project Robot art space — not the porn festival.
“Miley was proud to make a film with acclaimed filmmaker Quentin Jones. She did not instigate this festival submission and is not participating in any way,” the pop star’s spokesperson told the Post.
Although Leahy immediately took down the submission, he blamed the production company for not checking out the Festival, and the media for the uber hype.
“Basically they didn’t do their due diligence,” he said. “We asked to show it at the festival. Because the word porn is involved, basically the media has just sensationalized it and turned it into a click bait story.”
“Obviously the story went totally viral that freaked everyone out,” Leahy added. “We don’t want to cause any harm to Miley and her image.”
Leahy maintained that the festival is more about art than porn, and Cyrus’s soft fetish video would have fit in because it has no sex or nudity.
But the Pornhub-presented Festival is screening Vivid Entertainment’s “Tila Tequila “Backdoored & Squirting,” among others…sounds like porn to me!