Porn films ‘to be banned’ for guests at all Hilton Hotels

hiltonHilton Hotels are set to ban all porn channels at their hotels – in the strongest move yet against sexual exploitation.

The worldwide chain has announced that it is removing pay-per-view porn channels from all of their hotels in 85 countries across the world.

The news comes after a campaign that saw top executives each getting as many as 1,000 emails a week about the issue, according to Life Site News.

In a statement, Hilton Hotels explained: “We are making immediate changes to our global brand standards to eliminate adult video-on-demand entertainment in all our hotels worldwide.

“While the vast majority of our properties already do not offer this content today, this content will be phased out of all other hotels subject to the terms of their contracts.

“We believe in offering our guests a high degree of choice and control during their stays with us, including wi-fi on personal devices.

“However, we have listened carefully to our customers and have determined that adult video-on-demand entertainment is not in keeping with our company’s vision and goals moving forward.”

Read the full article here.

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