Porn app took secret photos of users

pornappA malicious Android porn app that held people to ransom has been discovered by researchers at security firm Zscaler.

Adult Player appeared to offer pornography, but secretly took pictures of users with the phone’s front-facing camera.

It then locked the user’s device and displayed a demand for $500 (£330) which was difficult to bypass.
One security expert told the BBC that ransomware was a lucrative and growing area of cybercrime.

Apps which demand money from people with a threat to release private information, or wipe a device, are known as ransomware.

In August, Intel Security said examples of ransomware had increased 127% since 2014 – primarily affecting desktop computers and laptops.

“One of the reasons for the increase is that it’s very easy to make,” said Raj Samani, chief technology officer for Intel Security in Europe.

“There are people you can pay to do the work for you, and it pays really well. One group we tracked made more than $75,000 in 10 weeks.

“Apps like this rely on the embarrassment factor. If you don’t pay, your reputation is on the line.”

Adult Player was the second example of pornography-focused ransomware discovered by Zscaler.

Read the full article here.

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